August 9, 2022: Bob Mahler - Risk Intelligence - Risk EQ


Bob Mahler


Bob Mahler - Velocteach

Presentation Abstract

You’ve probably heard of Emotional Intelligence 2.0, or EQ, by Dr. Bradberry and Dr. Greaves. You might have even heard of Sales EQ by Jeb Blount, founder of It’s almost a certainty that you have not heard of Risk EQ. That’s because it’s something new, developed by Bob!

Risk EQ is an examination of why we approach risks the way we do on an individual level. Risk EQ explores the fight or flight mode, the emotional versus rational parts of the brain and how they affect your decision-making process on your current projects. This presentation will also highlight what you can do about increasing your risk appetite and how you can seek to influence those around you by first understanding your own Risk Intelligence (Risk EQ)!


Speaker Bio

Mr. Bob Mahler served 12 years in the U.S. Army in the Mechanized Infantry and later as a Green Beret. He left the service as a highly decorated combat-Veteran. He excelled in the telecom industry and as a federal consultant before joining Velociteach in 2010. He has trained more than 3000 students in a wide variety of project management classes and is the current Sr. Director of Business Development for Velociteach, a Kennesaw, GA based training company. Bob has served in multiple PMIWDC Board positions and is a Risk SME contributor to PMBOK 6. He has also made a name for himself as a sought-after PMI Chapter speaker with more than two dozen Keynote presentations. His quit wit, stage presence and humor make him a must-see! If you’re looking for a fun, informative and interactive presentation, then you don’t want to miss this! Bob currently lives in Tullahoma TN with his wife and 14-year-old son.

Event Properties

Event Date 08-09-2022 6:00 pm
Event End Date 08-09-2022 8:00 pm
Cut off date 08-09-2022 10:00 pm
Individual Price See registration to select ticket price
No. of Ways of Working PDUs 2.0
Location Virtual Event/Web Conference

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